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Charles Cameron is the designer and developer of the HipBone Games -- thought-tools for use in brainstorming, conflict resolution, education, and therapy, and as meditative works of multimedia art. The Washington Post described these Games as offering "a give-and-take of thinking styles and on-line match of ricocheting intellects." Charles is considered a leading authority on translating the Glass Bead Game described in Hermann Hesse's Nobel-winning novel Magister Ludi into playable internet reality.

Charles was until recently Senior Analyst with The Arlington Institute in Arlington, Virginia, where he directed a program designing and using live role playing games to introduce leadership to the complexities of global systemic problems. He was Document Architect for the Simon & Schuster Interactive / Metropolitan Museum CD-ROM game, Nile, and served for a while as Editor at Large of The Cursor, a trade magazine for game developers. Earlier in his career, he was associated with Tim Gallwey's Inner Game practice, and ghost-edited Barry Green's book The Inner Game of Music.

An Oxford graduate in Theology, Charles is also a Principal Researcher with The Center for Millennial Studies at Boston University, and a member of the International Association for Counterterrorism & Security Professionals. He has authored books on high blood pressure and job satisfaction, written extensively on a wide variety of other topics, and co-hosts the Mind conference on Brainstorms.

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