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Donna Gettings has been online since September of 1994, and began her online career in 1995 as a volunteer on AOL, teaching members how to use the service, managing a team of volunteers, working as a liaison with inhouse contacts, chat hosting and moderating, as well as message board hosting and monitoring. In 1999, she became an online community specialist/assistant coordinator/acting coordinator for Lycos, involving training and managing hosts, management and remote administration of chat, and team leadership. From there, she moved to, where she held the position of chat coordinator. In preparation for startup and launch, she was involved in chat testing and administration, as well as message board setup and preparation. In April 2000, Donna became the founding online community director for, responsible for all aspects of community for this startup set of seven sites, including message boards, chat preparation, and management of a bilingual community staff. Presently, Donna serves as the online community manager for and as a freelance online community specialist.
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