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Al-Anon Mailing List
email: listproc@solar.rtd.utk.edu Al-Anon members have formed their own perpetual meeting with this list to discuss their common challenge -- dealing with a friend or family member with an addiction problem. You won't find any tips for curing the alcoholics in your life, or making them quit, or anything else focused on them. Instead, people share their experiences, exchanging strength and hope (as they say) about their own lives, focusing on their own involvement as enablers and co-dependents, and how they can look at and change themselves for the better. Topics include practice of the 12 Step method of facing addiction, use of Al-Anon materials for daily reading, detachment and perspective, acceptance of things you can't change, and courage to change things you can. This list is not the only online Al-Anon meeting -- some people here know each other from various other online groups -- but it's one of the most active and draws a number of long-term members. The online venue is especially helpful for Al-Anon members who can't get to a meeting. - E.L. subject matter: families, self-help regional affiliation: global format: mailing list language: English cost: no cost
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