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Orlando Sentinel Online

Use America Online software to sign on to America Online. Go to keyword: Orlando

Run by the Orlando Sentinel, AOL's online community area for Orlando is loaded with the news and information resources you'd expect. So it's no surprise that many of the hottest topics of conversation on the area bulletin boards deal with local news and issues. The extreme mix of viewpoints expressed, from excessively lovey-feely to harshly intolerant, give a varied feel to many of the more emotional discussion folders. The community has it's lighter side, though, with ample conversation about sports, local radio, daily annoyances, and, of course, The Mouse. - E.L.

subject matter: Orlando, Florida, regional affiliation

regional affiliation:

format: conferencing, chat

language: English

cost: 15 hours free, $9.95 per month (includes 5 free hours), $2.95 per hour after that. On December 1, 1996, AOL will be available for $19.95 per month for unlimited usage.

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