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voice information: (415) 352-1210

Use America Online software to sign on to America Online. Go to keyword: SENIORNET

The myth that computers are primarily tools for the young is quickly dispelled here. This lively group of people 55 and older wield their keyboards as well as anyone and better than most. Conversation is lively, engaging and far-ranging, bulletin board posts are intelligent and thoughtful. The primary interest of the group is education about and with computers but bulletin board content shows the current emphasis to be on the "with" rather than the "about" as members share information on a wide range of topics. Among them are certainly those of special interest to Seniors--such as health, diet, and family-- but the whole range of human knowledge appears to be fair game. There are discussions about politics and a folder of conversation about, and in, Yiddish. SeniorNet is also home of the World War II project, where members record their memories of that time to help make the history come alive for students studying the period. - E.L.

subject matter: general conversation, generation specific community

regional affiliation: North America, Europe

format: conferencing chat

language: English

cost: AOL costs 15 hours free, $9.95 per month (includes 5 free hours), $2.95 per hour after that. On December 1, 1996, AOL will be available for $19.95 per month for unlimited usage.
SeniorNet costs: To become a member of SeniorNet and receive the newsletter, access to classes, special discounts and other benefits, costs are $35 with a $25 annual renewal fee for singles and $40 with an annual renewal fee of $35 for couples.

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