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joi ito and reiko chiba

Complete Archive

Apr 22

The Disposable Cherry Tree
Trying to save a diseased cherry tree puts new Tokyo jammer, Scott Mason, face to face with another subtle Japanese social contract.

Feb 11

l.i.p. for electric ladies/japanese women online
Reiko Chiba throws a party in Tokyo, to launch an Online Women's Project.

Dec 23

tokyo gadget fest
Chibarei cruises Tokyo and picks up on some of the latest and most innovative gadgets moving 'round the capital of cool toys.

Dec 17

geisha culture in new japan
Joichi Ito explores an old tradition, the role of the geisha in modern day Japanese culture.

Nov 11

the internet curry shop: old media and the new breed
In tradition bound Tokyo, Joichi Ito and a handful of networking mavericks, don costumes and do bit of street theater to trumpet the virtues of the Internet.

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